Crown are delighted to announce that we have been awarded Gold by EcoVadis in 2024 for the second time, reflecting our commitment to and progress in becoming a responsible business.
The EcoVadis assessment benchmarks a company’s sustainability performance in terms of policy, action, and results against four key themes. We scored 72% this year, landing us in the top 5% of all responding companies.
Crown’s score has increased by 4% since our assessment in 2022 due, in particular, to our progress against Scope 1 and 2 emissions reductions and progression with sustainable procurement. We received an outstanding 80% in environment, 70% in labour, human rights and ethics and 60% in sustainable procurement.
52% reduction in Scope 1 and 2 emissions against a 2019 baseline
“We are very proud to be recognised by EcoVadis for our commitment to growing as a responsible business. Our score is reflective of a comprehensive three pillars of sustainability strategy and especially our progress towards our net zero growth plan by 2040. We are confident in our plans to drive further improvement in this area.”
Stephen Hardie, Regional Managing Director & Regional Finance Director, UKI & Northern Europe
As part of the process, EcoVadis outlines a ‘corrective action plan’ to improve your result. We are taking their feedback to directly inform our three-pillar responsible business plan to ensure we continue to improve on our sustainability performance according to their suggestions. We will be completing an updated disclosure at the start of 2025 to track our performance in all the areas.
April 8th, 2024
Written By
Eleanor Holmes
Ellie is our Sustainability Advisor and has been with the organisation for just over three years. She has led on a number of varied projects from waste and reuse innovation, climate training and procurement, to social value and community impact strategies.